They were four last week - how did that happen? They were only born a few weeks ago - or so it seems. We had a lovely day with lots of fun, starting at the balloon shop just after breakfast! Morning tea in the park with friends from the twins group, lunch at Grammy and Gramps, home to make special birthday cakes and then dinner with Grammy, Gramps and Uncle Jono....it doesn't get better than that! When they woke up the next morning, Ben asked me 'Mama, is it my birthday again today?!'
My new job in the Forensic team at ISIS is going well, I've been there for 3 weeks now and just starting to get my head around it all. It feels a bit strange not to be working for DHS after 14 years, but it was definitely time for a change. My clients have been interesting to say the least, and it's going to be a big challenge to help them bring about change in their lives - and a steep learning curve for me.
Steve's new job is also going well, if you disregard the incident last week when some cretin from the IT department upgraded Steve's laptop and inadvertantly erased his entire Masters thesis in the process. Some very tense hours and days ensued, but a version has been retrieved that should be workable. Nightmare - at least he's learned the hard way about backing up his work regularly. Hindsight is always so perfect.
I'm also posting a pic of Jono taken on Steve's birthday last week. He's snowboarding at Mt Buller this weekend....perfect conditions.....wish I was there!
Kirst xx