Friday, October 17, 2008

The House of Blue gets even bluer...

Nope, we're not expecting another baby boy (although I wish we were!)

Our not-so-little kitten, Biscuit, was unwell last week and during a trip to the vet it was revealed that...yes...our girl is a boy! There seems to be so much blue dust floating around in our house that even girls turn into boys after a while. I am hanging on to my tiara and pink fluffy slippers for grim life though, so no problems there! Whilst it was nice to have another 'lady' around, I have to confess that I love being the only princess in our castle.

The boys seem to have taken the news well, although I don't think they really get it as they've continued to refer to her by her pet name of 'Miss Muffet'! Poor Biscuit is heading for a serious identity crisis, I think. The photo is of him with his 'bestest friend', Gordon the unlucky goldfish. I think this picture could have serious comic appeal with the right LOLcats caption, so have a think and get back to me with your suggestions!

Life is busy as always, and I was shocked to see Christmas decorations in the shops last week. So the countdown begins. I am looking forward to our holiday in Warrnambool even more this year - for a year that was supposed to be relaxed, it's turned out to be a big one. We are staying at a different resort for the first time, and I am very excited about the fact that it has an on-site day spa! Hmmm, I see some father-son bonding time coming on.....Mummy will be well taken care of!
The photography is going well, and I am booked solid until Christmas. I won't be giving up my day job any time soon, but am loving the opportunity to practice, practice, practice and to try some new tricks as well. Off to bed now - it's past midnight and I'm photographing baby triplets tomorrow morning!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My baby turns 1

I had very mixed feelings about the arrival of Sam's first birthday - pleased that he had made it to this important milestone in (better than) great shape, but also sad that my littlest boy is growing up! I've enjoyed his babyhood so much - I'm sure lots of mums can relate to my wanting to press the 'pause' button for a few years. He loves and is loved by his two big brothers, quick to smile and slow to cry, he charms just about everyone he meets and life with him has been full of joy - looking forward to many, many more years ahead.

Happy Birthday, our Sammy Lamb.
